Hey Guys, Good Morning! I am sitting here enjoying our first Autumn rain- which is quickly becoming a downpour. I am all cozy, drinking a cup of Pumpkin Chai, curled up with my kitties.
I have some happy news to share with you all! In the past week I have won two awesome Hallloween Giveaway Prizes! YAY! (I have never won anything in the Blogworld untill now.)
My first lucky prize was to win Artful Alice- an adorable little polymer Witch from Mrs. B's 31 Days Of Halloween Giveaway. She is absolutely perfect for me, because she has red hair- and I have my own little red-headed daughter who is a Witch-In-Training!
And then yesterday I discovered that I won The Tome Of Ill Wonder from GrimVisions Ghastly 2009 Halloween Giveaway. Woohoo! This is cool for me on two levels...The first is because of me being stuck at home healing from my broken knee, I have not been able pick up any new Halloween Goodies for my house this year. (Also, due to the injury, moneys been a little tight.) So winning these prizes is a happy surprise!
The second reason this is a neat prize for me- is that I have been trying to add some creepier type decorations to my collecton. Up untill now, my Halloween Decor has been mostly on the happy & cute side. Now that my kids are getting a bit older- I am finally able to add some decorations on the ghoulish side. This handmade peice of Creep Art comes from GrimVisions- a master of Haunting Halloween Horror!

The Tome Of Ill Wonder is a spooky old book with a ghastly grin. When you open up the book, you find a skull. So cool! I just cannot wait to see it in person.

I also wanted to share with you all the awesome prizes being given away today at Mrs. B's- so hop on over & check them out! There are 5 prizes today, and several chances to win each one. There will be new pirizes and guest bloggers every day until Halloween!

Congrats on your wins! That book looks amazing!