Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My Latest Crafty Chick Creation ~ Butterfly Wings For Baby Dana
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sweet Vintage Baby Card Images For You

I have been busy crafting lately, and I thought I would share some of these sweet vintage baby card images that I have collected for use in my art. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

I think this last one is especially adorable. Who can resist a baby on a stork?

Friday, July 16, 2010
Family Matters ~ 2 Awesome Kids & One Very Proud Mama!

Thanks for taking the time to stop in and share in our great news.
~Danae :) aka 'Crafty'
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ruby Reminiscing... Ruby Red Inspiration from ETSY

Ruffled Romance Cuffs by EfiaFair
Cherry Tree Necklace by Pole StarRuby Slippers Cupcake Toppers from The Blissful Baker
Ruby Red Couture Shoe Clips by Sofisticata
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
My Black, White & Pink Bedroom Makeover ~ Crafty Chick Style
Hello Friends~
Welcome to my newly cleaned & redecorated bedroom! I am very excited to share my progress with you all. You see- I am a bit of a clutter bug; and I have had definite housekeeping issues in the past. My problem is not one of leaving 'trash' & 'junk' laying around... it is one of having too much stuff.
I know that this has become a very common problem for many of us in our 'have it now', disposable society. I even heard a really cool term for it- 'Affluenza'. And unfortunately 'affluenza' doesn't only strike the rich, or the folks who are 'trying to keep up with the Jones'.
No- 'affluenza' can affect any of us- even those of us who may not have alot of money. Over the years I have made, bought, been gifted and collected waaaay, way too much stuff; and the problem is, that while I love almost all of it- I just don't have the room for it all. Between the normal household 'things', my children's 'things', and my many interests and hobbies- I have accumulated enough 'stuff' to fill my small house to the gills.
Also, a big part of my 'clutter problem', is that as a very visual person, I constantly feel the need to keep my stuff 'out' so that I can see it- otherwise, I forget it is there- and I do not use it. (Think books, art supplies, make up, jewelry, cooking stuff, kids toys, clothing & accesories, etc.)
This isn't merely a problem of too much stuff for such a small house- No!- I have a feeling that I could fill ANY size house, if given enough time.
And it is not only a matter of buying more organizational equipment. Trust me- as I cleaned my house; I cleared plenty of drawers, cabinets, closets, boxes and cubbys- if I owned it- I filled it!
To make it worse- I have an obbsesion with collecting cool jars, boxes, tins and such; in which to store all of my 'stuff'! And while my things were fairly well grouped together, and most had 'homes'... I began to feel that I, myself was not very 'together', and that I was running out of 'home'. I began to realize that my outer clutter only was a manifestation of my 'inner' clutter. This is definitely not healthy for me; and is not the legacy I want to leave to my kids.
Somewhere between getting married, having a baby, moving houses, (having another baby), a failing marriage and subsequent separation, the depression that often goes along with such life events, raising school age children- and everything else that goes on...I had lost my will to fight against the beast of disorganization.
I told myself that playing with the children was more important than sorting out our ever growing accumulation of 'stuff'. I used all the excuses- house too small, no money for nicer things, a single Mom with young children, a long family history of clutter bugs and hoarders, etc., etc...
I chalked it up to being an eclectic, artistic type person. Pretty soon it was easier to ignore the mess; than it was to attempt to fix up a house full of junky hand me down furniture, and outdated belongings.
So- earlier this Spring- I set about a giant house purging & a mission to create the home that I had envisioned for myself and my children. (Not that I haven't done this before- I have, plenty of times.) But I never really had gathered enough steam to overhaul my entire home- as well as my attitude about my home.
In these last few months, I have made some amazing progress- both inside my home, and out- as well as within my own head. I still have plenty more work to do; and a ton of 'fixing up' and home decor projects that I still want to tackle.
But so far, I have:
~Cleared, organized and reclaimed my Bedroom from the storage room with a bed that it had become- and created a room that I enjoy being in, as well as one that reflects my personality & interests.
~Cleaned & made presentable my Living Room; which is a work in progress, as I still would like to paint, and aquire new couches. But...it is now decent, and inviting; and best of all, unexpected visitors can show up without striking dread & terror in my psyche.
~Cleaned, organized & started the redecorating process in my daughter's room. It is now a place that she can play, study & rest in- and a room that she is proud to bring her friends into.
~Gave up my bedroom, so that my son could FINALLY have his own room. ...and created an awesome space for my Little Guy!
~Cleared, cleaned, organized & reclaimed my Art Studio. This is a major feat in itself! And last, but certainly not least...
~I whipped my front & back yards, gardens, & my back patio back into shape. In fact- I daresay that they are in better shape than they have ever been in the past! (Ditto for the inside of my home!)
I still have a long way to go. I have made a great start- but in truth, I have merely scratched the surface. I know that I need to keep up the work; and that the 'stuff' never stops rolling in. I need to be vigilant about keeping on top of things. And to remember that my desire for a comfortorable, inviting home is stronger than my need for 'things'.
I'd still like to paint, and of course finish hanging my pictures, art, and shelves.... but now that I am on a roll- these goals seem more attainable than before. I hope to share with you my continued progress.
(And while I know my little house is very humble, and I don't have a lot of 'nice things'... I have always had a way of making it nice with what I do have. I hope that you can see beyond the fact that I don't have beautiful furnishings & whatnot- and still see the steps that I have made.)
So... without further ado...
Well Guys, I hope that you enoyed this little peek into my home. I really wish I had taken some before pictures, just so you could see how dramatic the change is... but I never, ever would have thought of taking pictures of my bedroom before- so you will just have to take my word for it....
I will be taking some more photos of the rest of my rooms to share with you all in future posts. And if you would like to see my progress in the gardens- I have a post on Crafty's Cuppa Coffee that shares my Spring 2010 Garden.
Have a great day! and Thanks for stopping by!
~Danae, aka 'Crafty'
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Smokin' Hot Summer Tops

Now that I am thoroughly pining away for these beauties.... I guess I'd better get workin' in order to afford them! Lol.
Have yourself a great day!
~Danae aka 'Crafty'
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Icing On The Cake - Retro Hair Accessories

During WWII, when rations on fabric, and budget restrictions often prevented women from indulging in new clothing; they turned to their best (and free-est) asset- their hair! Hair styles became the focus of the 'Everyday Womans' Fashion; inspired by the glamour girls of Old Hollywood. Woman curled, primped, and stacked their tresses into elaborate styles.
In order to compensate for the exagerated Hair Do's up top- the lines of clothing began to change as well. This is when we saw the emergence of the super large shouder and 'Bullet Bra's'; set off by a tiny waist, and full hips. The 'Sweater Girl' look, made famous by Lana Turner became popular; as did the 'Woman's Suit', a la Joan Crawford- which echoed the mass entrance of women in the workplace.
Nothing sets off this best feature better than a mane of healthy locks and beautfully curled tresses. But, as with anything... a little icing on the cake never hurts! This is where fabulous hair accesories come into play.
Today's Retro Fabulous Women have many choices of 'hair jewelery' to glam up their Retro & Rockabilly Hairstyles. The most famous, of course, are hair flowers. Roses, Camellias and Orchids, of all colors, sizes and materials are found on today's retro savvy women. But these are just the tip of the iceberg. Hair Fascinators, Hats, Feathers, Bows, Jewels and Headbands can all be used to glam up your retro look. And I just love how today's designers have put their own spin on these hair fashions, by creating them with modern materials and in alternative styles.
You can find them in a varitety of colors, with lace, glitter, fur, fun combinations of prints, and adorable embellishments.
Check out a few of these Retro, Rockabilly and Psychobilly Hair Accesories that come to us from the LA based company- PinUp Girl Clothing. You can find them on their website, or for us 'crafty gals'- use them as inspiration to create our own. (Although, I have to admit that the ones at PinUp Girl Clothing are very reasonably priced! And they are handmade here in East LA by PinUp Couture.) And don't stop there! There are also a ton of wonderful, unique Retro Hair Accessories to be found on ETSY- all handmade by the many talented ETSY crafters & artisians.
Happy browsing...

-Shocking Pink Satin Ribbon Bow with Skully Center By Kustom Voodoo -This little number features a big satin ribbon bow, with a skully detail at center.
Friday, May 14, 2010
All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go
I just had to share with you all, some of the latest dresses that I am drooling over. This particular batch of fashions are from Pin Up Girl Clothing. You can find them here.

-Retro Rockabilly Diner Dress in Olive Green from Heartbreaker -This classic diner dress looks sharp in a military olive green. From Heartbreaker Fashions.

-Jolene Dress in Red and Black Floral Pattern from Heartbreaker Fashion

-Gingham Swing Dress - The Daisy Dress in Black Gingham Poplin with Red Trim by Pinup Couture -The "Cutiepie" Dress in Black Sateen with Black and White Polka Dot Trim from Dixiefried -
The Netti Dress in Red Asian Floral Poplin by Pinup Couture -Vintage Reproduction Dresses -
The Dorothy Dress in Navy and Red by Pinup Couture
-New Style Black Cherry Heidi Dress by Pinup Couture
Now, if onlyI had somewhere to go....
Someplace better than the market, the kid's school, or the park, I mean. The hazards of being a work at home Artist/Mom, I guess! Oh well.
I also wanted to say a big Thank You! to all of you who have been so patient & kind untill I got back to blogging again! Thank You for your kind words and prayrs for my family.
I had no idea that my little blogs would be missed. (I even won 2 blog awards on my other blog- Crafty's Cuppa Coffee- during my 2nd month of hiatus! Go figure.) As for me, I missed keeping up with all of my favorite blogs, as much as I missed writing my own. I hope to work back up to full speed (inhe Cyber World) again soon... and still find a way to keep my balance (in the Real World) lol :) .
I hope that you all have a great day!
~Danae aka 'Crafty'
Saturday, March 20, 2010
We All Need A Little Lucy In Our Day!

The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show, Lucy Ricardo, 13 episodes, 1957-1960, co-starring Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley
The Lucy Show, Lucy Carmichael, 156 episodes, 1962-1968, co-starring Vivian Vance, and Gale Gordon
Here’s Lucy, Lucy Carter, 144 episodes, 1968-1974, co-starring Gale Gordon, Lucie Arnaz, and Desi Arnaz, Jr.
Life with Lucy, Lucy Barker, 13 episodes, five unaired, 1986, co-starring Gale Gordon

Have a great day! :)
~Danae~ aka 'Crafty'