That's why its good to have a few cold ones in the fridge! You never know when you may need to placate the Hubby or the Guests while you make a frantic call for Take-Out! And of course light a few scented candles and air out the burn smell from the kitchen.
Now for me personally, I like to drink beer- but NEVER EVER Schlitz Beer! No way! I am more of a Micro-Brew or Import kind of Gal. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is my favorite 'everyday' sort of beer. But it seems like Schlitz put out quite a few cool ads 'back in the day'.
In honor of this 'All American' drink- and in 'Sisterly Solidarity' with the poor Lady above who burt her dinner (Lol!); I have a cool beer related recipe to share. And it is perfect for Summertime too.
4 Vidalia or Sweet Texas Onions
1/3 C Cornstarch
1 1/2C Flour
2 tsp Garlic (minced)
2 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
24oz Beer
Seasoned Flour:
4 C Flour
4 tsp Paprika
2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne
Mix Cornstarch, Seasonings and Flour until well blended.
Add Beer, mix well.
Cut 3/4" off the top of the Onion. And peel outer skin of Onion.
Then make 12-16 vertical slits, being careful not to cut down to the root bottom.
Remove the center from the Onion (about 1")
Dip Onion into the Flour, and shake off excess.
Separate the petals, then dip into the Batter.
Gently place into he fryer basket, and deep fry at 375-400* for 1 1/2 minutes
Turn over and fry for another 1 1/2 minutes until golden brown and crispy
Drain on paper towels
Serve with a BBQ Dipping Sauce
1 pint Mayonaisse
1 pint Sour Cream
1/2 C Chili Sauce
1/2tsp Cayenne Pepper
~Bon Apetite!