"Why don't ya come up and see me sometime?"
Monday, June 29, 2009
Those Were The Days...
Friday, June 26, 2009
LARD??? I Dunno Honey. Do I Have To?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Can You IMAGINE???
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Russian Vodka...Russian Bride...
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Guaranteed 3 Day Diet...

I have quite a few of these beauties stashed away, and I was trying to think of a good purpose for them...well, this seems to be it. So for the next few posts, these are all the Ads that I cannot believe are for real. (And maybe some that I wish were!) As far as I know, these Ads are in their real, and unaltered state. ~Enjoy!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Good Things In Life...

Monday, June 15, 2009
Just One Of Those Days...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Oy! I Feel Like I've Been Stuck In The 1950's!
Boy am I ever glad that's over with!
For those of you who already know...so sorry for the recap- I'll be brief. For those of you who didn't know why I've been neglecting my blog for a month now...it's because I've been stuck in the Dark Ages for the past few weeks. I've had me a real good run of 'bad techno juju'.
First my wireless Internet card busted.
I thought- "No big deal, at least I still have my cell phone's Internet. I can pick up my e-mail, read my blogs, go to a friend's house to post & send in my homework,etc.."
Then- the very next day my cell phone's Internet went out too!
So, I did what I was supposed to, called the tech support folks...and whad'ya think happened next?
Yup... In the process of trying to 'fix' my computer problem, the tech support people locked up
(ie: broke!) my cell phone. The whole damn thing- not just the computer!
After a few more 'major communication breakdowns' and other electronical setbacks, thankfully things started looking up for me. About 5 calls and 2 e-mails later, and they said that they are going to be sending me a new phone- "after their supervisor approves it!"
So cross your fingers for me, PLEASE! :)
And thankfully, last week I was able to get a new Internet card. So I am back in blogging action!
There were a few perks about not having such easy access to the Internet. One, it made me slow down and take the time to work on some offline projects that I have going on; which was very nice. I also was able to focus better on my school work, and I ended up getting not one, but 2 100%'s on my Research Papers (!) and a 98% on a test! Super Woo Hoo!
(Now, before anyone goes and thinks I am a genius or a rocket scientist (hee hee), let me tell you- I am not. These are just some extra-curricular classes that I am taking, and I am sure they are graded as such. (Not that I don't work my butt off to earn those grades- because I do; they just aren't in Biology, or Calculus. So now you know!
Also, I was able to get a bit of art work done, and work on some projects with the Kidlets. We are busy finishing up the school year and getting ready for Summer!
I LOVE Summer! I love spending the days at the pool or Lagoon, BBQ'ing each night, Sunday concerts on the cliffs overlooking the ocean...and whatever other fun stuff this Summer has in store for us! Hopefully a great 6th Birthday Party for Jeremiah, some camping, and maybe a trip to the Lake or to Catalina Island. (Or both if we are super lucky!)
So...I will close up this post with I am super glad to be back online- and Thanks to the Folks who still took the time to email me or comment on the blog while I was gone. You Guys are awesome! You are what makes blogging so much fun! Take care Ya'll- and have a nice weekend! ~Danae