This is a great big THANK YOU! to my two very first readers to join Crafty Chick's Retro Fantasy!!!
YAY! I salute you! I hope that you enjoy everything that you find here. I will try to keep it interesting.
And on that note...I had all of these grandiose plans for the weekend. NONE of which I accomplished But then, maybe I should have added that I have a big ol' case of Artist ADD to my profile. I know it...now you know it too!
I had plans of adding to my blogs; the only one that got any post this weekend was my Crafty's Cuppa Coffee blog. (That was on Friday night...does that count as the weekend?) Oh well.
What I did end up doing, was spend a fabulously lazy weekend, in my fluffy robe and slippers, (yeah, ALL weekend long...how tacky!) I enjoyed an entire weekend of no kids, no chores, and no productivity. How rare is that for a Mama of 2?
Well, to be fair; the kids were with their Dad all weekend. (Yeah, unfortunately we are separated/divorced w/out the paperwork kinda thing) :( And, besides, my vehicle has a flat tire. So there wasn't much need to go anywhere. Instead I was a big, flaky, lounge lizard all weekend long. Me and the kitties. Just chillin' like villians, in front of my Cathode Ray Tube. (My computer.) I ended up playing around on the net, collecting great new photos to share with you, catching up on my favorite blogs, and adding some new ones to my list. Oh, what fun!
I did write some posts...but the are languishing in the 'Not to be posted folder', until I fix them up to my liking. Yeah, I'm one of those. I also have that bad case of Artist Perfectionism Procrastination Syndrome. (Among many, many other things!). I get these stupid visions in my head of the way I want something to turn out...and if it doesn't; it either doesn't get finished, or never sees the light of day. I'm working on it, really.
So now, this post is breaking some of my 'Informal Posting Policies', (J/K, I'm not that anal!)
My goal is to make sure that I post as many, if not more, 'Informative' posts, as I do 'Not About A Damn Thing In Particular' posts. You see, I was hoping to keep this blog from becoming my 'Cyber Journal'! No such luck. And, to be fair, I did write up a couple of 'Info' type posts yesterday; but like I said...they are hiding. :) So what I am gonna do, is take my 'Mush For Brains From Too Much Computer Time', and get off the 'Idiot Soap Box'. Get me a long, hot shower before my kidlets get home, and start getting ready for the week....right after I put a post onto Craty's Cup, that is! P.S.~(By the time this finally got posted...the kids were home, bathed and in bed. THEN, Mommy got back to the fun of 'Blog World! I just didn't want anyone to take a look at the time and say,"My, my, what is that lady doing? Her poor neglegtad children!" He,he.)
Speaking of the week. We have kind of a big one coming up. Besides the usual, (school, homework, errands & chores), we have a couple of biggies on the agenda. First of all, my Swap Bot Swaps will be going out in the mail manana...which means that I will be expecting 2, (count that Ladies, 2!) packages of goodies coming in the mail for ME! this week! YAY! I love surprises! These will be my first from my new swap site that I joined last month, Swap Bot. Can you tell that I am excited?
Tomorow afternoon, my little man, J.D., age 5 will be playing in a T-Ball Game. (Go Pirates!) Then Mommy has a massage. No, no~ not for me...I have to GIVE one. ( I only wish I could get one!) Also, later on Monday evening, my 9 y/o Makayla, (otherwise known as 'Miss Red') will be finishing up her Hip Hop Dance Class, and getting ready to go to competition. (Way to go girls!) I guess that means that I should get that flat tire fixed on my 'Mommy Mobile', so we can get moving again. There is nothing like a giant vehicle shaped paperweigt in the driveway, to make you appreciate the glories of personal transportation, eh?
Then, later in the week, J.D. will also take his last Karate class, and be taking his test to move up to the Yellow Belt Class. (My fingers are crossed for him!) Another T-Ball game at the end of the week, on Friday...and we're done! (With a whole lot of other boring stuff in between.)
I am hoping that next weekend, all goes well; because I am planning to take the kidlets, and a couple of our friends, up to the snow for a play day! We went last month, and it was AWESOME! 5 feet of fresh powder to play in. (Not bad for Southern California.) So, I really had better get to fixing that tire...and putting 3 other fresh ones on for good measure!
So, Ladies...I thank you for taking the time to join my little bloggy~blog. I am very happy to now have some readers. (I say that like it's been forever...but I only started this one less than a week ago!) I will be looking forward to seeing what all of us have to post this week.
I hope everyone had a nice weekend, and gets their week off to a good start tomorrow.
Until next time...Caio!